New Lawn Installation

TL;DR: SOD installation is roughly 4x more expensive but you get immediate satisfaction of a grassy green lawn.
Hydroseeding is roughly 1/4 price and grass starts growing in 1-3 weeks.

Growing Grass requires Dirt, Sunlight, and Water.

Does NOT matter if you want Sod OR Hydroseeding, they both need healthy dirt/mulch to create a root system.

New Lawn Installation List:

  1. Eliminate Existing Vegetation: Use herbicide to clear the area of all current plant life, preparing a clean slate for your new lawn.
  2. Soil Preparation: Add 2 to 5 inches of quality topsoil to provide a nutrient-rich base.
  3. Soil Leveling: Smooth the topsoil to an even grade, ensuring a flat surface for uniform grass growth.
  4. Clear Debris: Rake the area to remove rocks and old sod pieces, ensuring the soil is clean and ready for seeding.
  5. Seed Sowing

    Hydroseeding is a mixture of mulch/seed/fertilizer that is pressure sprayed onto your area. Once we show-up and spray, your only job is to WATER!

    Hydroseeded grass creates a root system with your prepared soil!

    SOD Installation

    SOD is fully grown grass that creates a root-system with your prepared soil!

    Seeding by hand
    • Nutrient Addition: Apply fertilizer to enrich the soil with essential nutrients, creating an optimal growing environment.
    • Distribute grass seed evenly across the prepared soil.
    • Seed-to-Soil Contact: Use a roller to firmly press the seeds into the soil, enhancing their ability to germinate.
  6. Watering Regimen for Pacific Northwest (King/Snohomish County)

    Initially, water the seeded area lightly but frequently to maintain soil moisture without causing runoff or soil erosion.

    Aim to keep the soil consistently moist, much like a well-wrung sponge, throughout the day. This might mean watering lightly 2 to 3 times daily, depending on the weather and soil conditions.

    As the grass seeds germinate and seedlings begin to grow, gradually reduce the frequency of watering but increase the depth. This encourages deeper root growth. Adjust the watering schedule based on rainfall, aiming to maintain the soil's sponge-like moisture level without overwatering.

    Eventually, transition to watering deeply once or twice a week, allowing the soil surface to dry slightly between waterings to promote healthy grass and root development.

  7. Consistent Care: Maintain a routine of patient care, watering, and fertilizing, similar to tending any plant, to ensure healthy growth.